Friday, January 10, 2020

A Healthy Perspective when Dealing with Hardships

In my opinion, if you’ve been through any hardships in life, big or small, it was for a reason. Everything happens for a reason, regardless if it was your own doing or by someone else. So every time I start to feel bad for myself, I remember that God wouldn’t have lead me down this path if there wasn’t some kind of significance to it. If you’ve been hurt or let down before, it’s hard to have a positive attitude in times of doubt, but one thing to always remember is that the sun shines after every storm. Things will get better, maybe not always on your time frame expectations; but they will. And when they do you will look back to when you were down and out, and smile because you made it through. At that moment you will understand why you went through what you went through. God needed you to experience it so you would be ready for what he had waiting for you ahead.

A few words I live by are “God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers”.